Back from tea

So, been a little while since I’ve posted. Okay – it’s been a freakishly long while. Last time I posted was over a year and a half ago, (wow!) before I departed for ten days in Ireland in order to reinforce my father’s sweet belief that our family actually has Irish ancestry . I’d love to say I’ve been there the entire time, settling down on a quaint coastal town, however I don’t really have any excusable reasons. Active kids. Busy job. Active spouse. Nothing too exciting. Which, when all is said and done with all that is going on in the world, ‘nothing too exciting’ is probably the best that one can hope for!
So I’ll pick up where I left off and try to say some more. I’ll try some color! Try to make some eyes roll! Perhaps start by posting this particular cartoon before winter ends, thus preventing Facebook exploding from posts stating “I’ve had enough winter!”



As I’m about to embark on my first trip ever out of the country (!!), I’ve been advised to brush up on the customs of where I’m going. We’re traveling to Ireland, so I don’t imagine it’ll be that big a deal. Growing up in a large Catholic family in America usually means that you will come in contact with many families where the parents are from Ireland or at least their parents were.  Culturally, maybe this won’t be much different from my days of hanging out with the Flannerys or Sheehans at Christmastime. Pretty much everyone there speaks English, they dress the same (and they drink!)

One thing did throw me off in my research, though. “The Irish appreciate modesty and can be suspicious of people who are loud and tend to brag. They dislike a superiority complex of any sort.”

Whoah. This is much different from some of the Americans with Irish heritage that I used to know. And as I encounter many self-centered braggards on my daily downtown commute to the nation’s capital of egos, (Washington, DC) I think I’ll enjoy some modesty!