Tim Burton was kind of right

According to historian Nicholas Rogers, the practice of trick or treating has roots to late medieval times of Ireland and Britain, when poor folk would go door to door on “Hallowmas”, (November 1), receiving food in return for prayers for the dead on “All Souls Day” (November 2). I wonder if many realize that they’re training their kids to go ask for handouts…

Statistical Overload

It’s wild how connected we are with sports stats. I remember growing up and having to listen to the Redskins game on the radio while we watched the game on T.V. It provided a more raw feel to the experience, as if you were out in the stands braving the cold while bystanders yelled incoherently at the players (we always watched as a group.) Now you can follow the game random updates via Twitter and Facebook. Some say it’s only a matter of time before the play-by-play tweets are from the players themselves (though I don’t think anyone wants to risk a $10k fine to shout out right now!)

Energy crisis

Even though  it’s stressful, having more kids in the house for a visit is fun to watch. The girls like having guests, and very much like utilizing their tea sets for the maximum users. However, the energy level does give me new respect (or bewilderment?) for my parents and their brood of seven. No wonder we’re addicted to T.V.